Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Career Cafe with JamieK!

On September 26th we kicked off a new program called Career Cafe.  Career Cafe is designed to educate and introduce students to various careers.  Once a month I will invite a professional to come to North Platte to speak to students during lunch. This program is open to anyone in grades 7-12.  

For our September Career Cafe, students listened to a presentation given by international photographer Jamie Delaney.  Jamie talked to students about her business JamieK! Photography.  She talked about classes that would be helpful for students to take such as Accounting.  Jamie said that she spends about 20% of her time taking pictures and about 80% managing her business.

Students enjoyed meeting Jamie and had many great questions for her.  If you would like to find out more about Jamie you can go to   We appreciate Jamie taking time to come talk to our students about her career. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Fall ACT Prep Shops at NWMSU

Northwest Missouri State University is hosting an ACT Prep Shop.  By attending you will:
  • Learn test taking strategies for each of the subjects on the ACT.
  • Develop a plan of action for your scheduled test.
  • Receive a study guide and practice tests.
  • Achieve a better understanding of test-taking strategies.
The cost of the prep shop is $60.00.  To register go to or call 1-800-633-1175.

There are three dates and locations to choose from:

October 6th- Maryville Campus
October 13th- St. Joseph Center
November 17th- Kansas City Center

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

MCC-Maple Woods Veterinary Technology Day

Are you interested in Veterinary Technology?  Attending a Vet Tech Day at MCC-Maple Woods is a great way to get in-depth information about the program while becoming more familiar with the Vet Tech facility and staff.  During your visit, you will hear from Admissions, tour the Vet Tech facility and campus, and meet the program faculty.

The Vet Tech Day occurs the second Wednesday of every month from 3:00-4:30 p.m. in the Vet Tech facility located on the south side of the MCC-Maple Woods campus.

If you would like to attend, please register online at

If you have questions, please call 816-604-3587.