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Thursday, November 13, 2014
Monday, November 10, 2014
Did You Know?

Did you know that a carpenter apprentice in the Kansas City area starts their program with a total salary package, including benefits, of $17-21/hour and that a master carpenter can earn over $45/hour? Apprentices in the trade professions are a viable career option for many students, including those seeking professional careers in the trade industry. For information:
Kansas City and Western Missouri: Apprenticeship Programs - Western Missouri
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Success in the New Economy
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Financial Aid Overview
If you are going to be a graduating in May, and you are planning on attending college, you probably need information about completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Last Wednesday, Jessica Hills from Missouri Western State University came to North Platte and presented information about completing the FAFSA and the financial aid process. You can find a link to her presentation HERE. Below is a video that also does a good job of explaining the process. Remember, you can apply after January 1st and it's always best to complete the FAFSA as soon as possible to meet your colleges priority deadline. March 1st is the priority deadline for many federal and state assistance opportunities. Fore more information go HERE.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Trulaske Leadership Academy
The Trulaske Leadership Academy is a day long leadership conference hosted by University of Missouri’s College of Business Student Council. The day consists of seeing Mizzou’s business school and then participating in active and engaging workshops that will enhance leadership skills and prepare you for college. It is not required to be an upcoming Mizzou student to apply.
Date: Friday, 11/14/14
Time: 9:00am-4:00pm
Location: Cornell Hall, Mizzou Campus in Columbia, MO
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
October Tasks for High School Seniors
Taken From By Beth Ziehmer
Your senior year is an exciting time, including the beginning of many "lasts"--high school Homecoming, football games, senior recognition nights, etc. A new set of "firsts" is also occurring, such as admission applications, scholarship essays, financial aid information, and the need to meet deadlines to help you finalize your college choice.
Throughout your senior year, continue to build your resume by achieving academic success, as well as participating in extracurricular activities. Colleges are interested in well-rounded students.
The college preparation that takes place during your senior year is filled with a lot of details and paperwork. It is very important that you involve your parents with this process.
Below are the tasks you should complete during the month of October:
- Take the SAT and/or ACT.
- Continue working on your admissions essays.
- If you haven't already done so, attend college planning and/or financial aid information nights and college fairs.
- Visit your top school choices. If possible, make appointments with faculty, staff, and students.
- Complete applications for every scholarship for which you may be eligible.
- Meet with your guidance counselor to develop a college admission and financial aid application plan.
- Contact the schools' financial aid offices to determine which forms they require. Some schools may require special forms.
- Finalize portfolios, audition tapes, writing samples, or other evidence of talent if required for admission.
For more great articles go to:
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
College Fair at Park Hill High School
Parents and students are invited to attend a College and Career Fair at Park Hill High School on Monday, September 29th from 6:30-8:00 p.m. There will be over 100 colleges, universities, technical schools, and military representatives on hand to answer your questions.
Park Hill High School
7701 NW Barry Rd.
Kansas City, MO
It is a good idea to pre-register to attend at:

College Fair,
Community Colleges,
Technical Schools
Friday, August 29, 2014
Mizzou Engineering Outreach Events
Mizzou Engineering is gearing up for their Fall 2014 outreach events. There are many great opportunities for students K-12 to learn about engineering. You can find more information by visiting this link.
High School Weekend (October 17-18, 2014)
Hosted by the Mizzou Engineering Student Council, High School Weekend gives high school sophomores, juniors and seniors a taste of various engineering disciplines and a flavor of campus life. Groups will meet with faculty and current engineering students, work in groups on design challenges and dine in the MU residence and dining halls.
Lego Camp Weekends (2nd-9th grades):
LEGO Robotics Camps are designed to foster an understanding of the engineering design process through individual and small team challenges to build and program robots using LEGOs and LEGO NTX software. Activities are both educational and fun, and camps feature a low staff to camper ratio ensuring individualized attention.
Mother & Daughter Engineering Day (April 2015)
Mother & Daughter Engineering Day demonstrates the fun and excitement of engineering and computer technology to middle school-age young women and their mothers through hands-on activities. Led by the college’s student chapter of the Society of Women Engineers and women faculty members, participants will share lunch with current female students, hear special alumni speakers and guests, and finish the day with activities at the Mizzou Rec Center and a field trip to the campus bookstore. Lunch is provided.
Engineering Summer Camp (July 2015)
Mizzou Engineering’s Summer Camps demonstrate the variety of things that engineers do and the tools of their trades to high school sophomores, juniors and seniors. Mornings are dedicated to learning about MU’s engineering disciplines from leaders in their fields. Afternoons offer practical experience in labs and through industry visits, and evenings are spent testing student skills in friendly competitions. Besides trying their hands at solving engineering challenges, campers will experience life as college students and will have the opportunity to make new friends and have fun along the way.
If you are interested in Mizzou Engineering and would like to set up a visit or need more information you may contact:
Darius M. Whitaker
Recruitment and Diversity Coordinator
University of Missouri
College of Engineering
W1025 Lafferre Hall
Columbia, MO 65211
Phone: 573-884-3404
Fax: 573-882-2490

Monday, June 2, 2014
6 Things High School Grads Need to Do Before Leaving for College
This was taken from "Homeroom" the Official Blog of the U.S. Department of Education. It is written by Susan Thares, the digital engagement lead for the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Federal Student Aid.
Getting ready for your last high school prom and counting down the days till graduation are all you can think about. Yes, freedom and plans for a fun-filled summer are just around the corner. Before you know it, you’ll be loading up your belongings in the family minivan and headed off to college. You’re so ready, right? Well, maybe not. Here are some tips for things to do this summer before you head off to college.
Downsize, Get Organized & Learn How to Do Your Own Laundry
You’re not going to be able to take your whole closet and every cherished belonging with you to the dorm. Start downsizing now and make a list of all the things you’ll need to take with you. A clean and tidy space will make things a lot more manageable. Most likely you’ll go home a time or two on break and you can swap out things that you don’t need for things that you do. But, in between those trips home, you’ll need to learn how to do laundry. Those whites can turn into some interesting colors and transform into a smaller size if you don’t know your way around a washer and dryer.
Understand Your Financial Situation
Each family’s situation is different – make sure you understand what your family may or may not be able to contribute. You should’ve already applied for financial aid. If not, you need to complete the Free Application For Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) ASAP! Make sure you list on the application the school code of the college you plan to attend so your information is sent to that school. If you still haven’t decided it’s best to list any school you think you may attend. The financial aid office will then notify you of any financial aid you might be eligible for. Know what each of those types of aid is and in what order you should accept them. Visit for information on planning and paying for college. Do you have enough money to pay for school? Will you need to work part-time? Make a budget and know what you can spend on certain things.
Get a Good Calendar and Prepare for a Whole New World of Time Management
One of the biggest challenges for a lot of you will be time management. When you head off to college, you won’t have somebody there to wake you up, make you breakfast and send you out the door in clean clothes with completed homework in hand. Set yourself up early with a class schedule (make a course syllabus your new best friend) and a system that works for you. You need to know deadlines for registration, papers, financial aid, coursework and everything in between. Your chance of succeeding academically will rapidly evaporate if you don’t manage your time well. You’re worth the investment – manage it well.
Craft a Good Resume and Learn How to Network
No, don’t wait until you’re approaching college graduation to write a cover letter and resume, you need one now. Having a compelling and professional resume and cover letter is vital to applying for part-time jobs, internships, etc. You might want to also consider changing your email address. Employers probably won’t be impressed with an email address like Work experience can be just as important as good grades when looking for jobs after college graduation. Internships not only provide you with knowledgeable experiences in your field, but they also provide great networking opportunities. Don’t settle in and nest, put yourself out there and go to as many networking events as possible.
Embrace Coupons and Master the Art of a Good Deal
Another difficult thing to learn is skipping those unnecessary splurges. Yes, I know it’s all about YOLO but you need to embrace BOGO. Coupons aren’t just for stay at home moms anymore. Scoring deals whether in newspapers, magazines or with online sites like Groupon and Living Social it’s easier than ever. But don’t get so caught up in the deals that you buy vouchers for and you don’t end up using. That can cost rather than save you money. Save those splurges for when you score a great “Buy One Get One” free or other greatly discounted offer. Ask about student discounts and if available a studentadvantage card. Start practicing this summer. It’ll impress your friends and it’ll be a little more money in your pocket when you get to campus. Another great way to save money is buying used textbooks rather than new. Search sites like, Amazon, and TextbooksRUs to name a few. If you buy new and then resell them back to the college bookstore check online sites first for what they’re worth. College bookstore buy back rates are sometimes as low as 10% of what you paid for it new. Lots of students are also now renting textbooks on sites like
Learn How to Keep You and Your Things Safe
Yes, you need to remember to lock your dorm room and place that lock on your laptop. Losing your laptop can wreak havoc on your studies and a theft due to an unlocked door can also ruin your relationship with your roommate. Start practicing being more aware of your surroundings and keeping yourself safe. Program your school’s campus security number into your phone. You never know when you might need it. Safety also applies to protecting your social security number, PIN and passwords. Your social security number is one of the main identifiers when checking on things like financial aid, grades, and registering for classes. Make sure all your passwords and important numbers are not on a post-it-note on your desk. Store them in a secure place. Not protecting your identity and important information can have lasting long-term effects on your ability to get a job and apply for credit.
Congratulations on a job well done and making the decision to advance your education!
Susan Thares is the digital engagement lead for the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Federal Student Aid.
Friday, January 24, 2014
Free Tax Preparation for Seniors & Families
your MONEY!
your taxes done for FREE!
can get free tax preparation assistance
IRS certified
could qualify for the
Earned Income Tax Credit
up to $6,044.
preparation sites in many locations across
schedule your appointment, contact the location nearest you.
more information, call Kathy at Universityof Missouri Extension
Andrew County at 816-324-3147.
University of Missouri, Lincoln University, U.S.
Department of Agriculture and Local Extension Councils Cooperating
an ADA/equal opportunity institution
Please let us know if you have any disability that
requires special materials or services.
Dr. Rebecca J. Travnichek, AFC®
& Dr. Meridith Berry
Form 1040
(With Schedule A, B, C-EZ, C,
EIC & R)
Form 1040-ES
Form 2441
Form 8863
Form 8812
Injured Spouse
State income tax returns [Let tax site know at the time you make your
appointment if you have income from states other than MO, KS, and IA.]
Dr. Rebecca J. Travnichek, AFC®
& Dr. Meridith Berry
NOT prepare
Complicated &
Advanced Schedule D
Form SS-5
Form 2106
Form 3903
Form 8606
Form 8615
see a paid preparer forassistance with complicated returns.
Here is what you MUST
Government issued Photo Id (Driver’s
License) for taxpayer and spouse.[You
must bring with you.]
Valid Social Security cards or ITIN
numbers for taxpayer, spouse, and all dependents.[You must bring with you.]
Birthdates of all persons to be listed on
the tax return. If married and filing jointly, both spouses should be present.
All wage and income statements for 2013
(e.g., W-2, W-2G, 1099-R, 1099-MISC, forms).
Interest and dividend statements from financial
institutions (Form 1099-INTs) if applicable.
Proof of day-care expenses paid in 2013
including: provider’s name, address, phone number, and federal ID number,
amount paid to provider.
A copy of last year’s federal and state
MO Rent Credit-name, address, telephone
#, & SSN or EIN of landlord; and letter of amount rent paid from landlord.
To direct deposit your refunds, bring a
checkbook or savings book with you to verify the account and bank routing
Locations to call for appointments:
(816.324.3147)–Jan. 27-30+
Joseph (816.279.1691)–Jan. 31
(660.359.4040, ext. 8)–Feb. 7& 14
(660.947.2990)–Feb. 10-14
(660.748.3315)–Feb. 10
(660.425.6434)–Feb. 11
Campus–Feb. 15-16
(660.663.3232)–Feb. 19-21
(660.247.1495)–Feb. 21
Port (660.744.6231)–Feb. 24-25
(660.446.3724)–March 3-4
(816.324.3147)–March 6-7
(660.265.4541)–March 6
(816.539.3765)–March 11-12
Maryville (660.582.8101)–March 13-14
(660.726.5610)–March 20
City (660.564.3363)–March 21
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