Mizzou Engineering is gearing up for their Fall 2014 outreach events. There are many great opportunities for students K-12 to learn about engineering. You can find more information by visiting this link.
High School Weekend (October 17-18, 2014)
Hosted by the Mizzou Engineering Student Council, High School Weekend gives high school sophomores, juniors and seniors a taste of various engineering disciplines and a flavor of campus life. Groups will meet with faculty and current engineering students, work in groups on design challenges and dine in the MU residence and dining halls.
Lego Camp Weekends (2nd-9th grades):
LEGO Robotics Camps are designed to foster an understanding of the engineering design process through individual and small team challenges to build and program robots using LEGOs and LEGO NTX software. Activities are both educational and fun, and camps feature a low staff to camper ratio ensuring individualized attention.
Mother & Daughter Engineering Day (April 2015)
Mother & Daughter Engineering Day demonstrates the fun and excitement of engineering and computer technology to middle school-age young women and their mothers through hands-on activities. Led by the college’s student chapter of the Society of Women Engineers and women faculty members, participants will share lunch with current female students, hear special alumni speakers and guests, and finish the day with activities at the Mizzou Rec Center and a field trip to the campus bookstore. Lunch is provided.
Engineering Summer Camp (July 2015)
Mizzou Engineering’s Summer Camps demonstrate the variety of things that engineers do and the tools of their trades to high school sophomores, juniors and seniors. Mornings are dedicated to learning about MU’s engineering disciplines from leaders in their fields. Afternoons offer practical experience in labs and through industry visits, and evenings are spent testing student skills in friendly competitions. Besides trying their hands at solving engineering challenges, campers will experience life as college students and will have the opportunity to make new friends and have fun along the way.
If you are interested in Mizzou Engineering and would like to set up a visit or need more information you may contact:
Darius M. Whitaker
Recruitment and Diversity Coordinator
University of Missouri
College of Engineering
W1025 Lafferre Hall
Columbia, MO 65211
Phone: 573-884-3404
Fax: 573-882-2490